
We're proud to represent


Frequently Asked Questions

Who gets selected for the gallery?

We've chosen a range of creatives and influencers to partner with. We select people that are creative and support our mission.

Can I apply to get represented?

If you're an influencer and have a following on one of the main social media platforms, combined with an interest in creativity, then yes! Send us an email at and we'll work out the details.

Do the represented artists get paid?

Yes. We split the profits with any of the represented artists. So if you buy one of their pieces, you both support our mission to open up the art world, as well as your favored creatives.

Do the creatives offer limited editions?

That's up to each creative to decide. We support our represented artists in both offering unlimited editions and limited or unique art pieces. You'll see an icon on the respective art pieces indicating if they're limited.